10 Ways to Make a Difference in Someone’s Life

10 Ways to Make a Difference in Someone’s Life

Image Credit: 123RF

Whether you are helping someone who is feeling a bit down or trying to help them steer their life in a new direction, there are many things that you can do which will make a difference. The good news is that even the smallest of acts can make a considerable impact on someone and their outlook on life. By doing a little every so often, you can help make big changes that they will feel and appreciate.

“We can do no great things, only small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa

Here are just 10 ways that you can make a difference is the life of someone whether they are your spouse, family member, close friend, or just one of the people you know. Your act of kindness repeated every so often will be most appreciated.


Volunteering, even for only a few hours shakes up our routines and helps those who are in need. Whether you are feeding the homeless, picking up garbage in the neighborhood, or helping at local events, volunteering is a very effective way to aid in so many people’s lives even if only for a short time. However, the impact will remain long after you have left. So, do a little volunteering from time to time and watch it work in your community.

“Down in their hearts, wise men know this truth: the only way to help yourself is to help others.” – Elbert Hubbard

Give a Small Gift

Even a small gift can make a big different in someone’s life. It reminds them that you think they are special which has a powerful impact. A gift basket, flowers, or their favorite coffee or tea may have an impact that you cannot measure on their outlook. So, when you see someone who is a little down or perhaps needs a reminder that someone does care, send them a small gift because it will have a big impact on their life.

“Small acts of kindness can make a difference in other peoples lives more than we can imagine.” – Catherine Pulsifer


With so many people talking, the ability to listen is one that so many people cherish, but rarely get to see. When someone is having problems, take the time to listen so that they can feel appreciated. A good face-to-face conversation where you listen can make a huge difference in someone’s life. You don’t have to commit anything more than your time, so listen to what they say. When you consider all the great gifts in the world, listening is one of the simplest and most cherished on the planet.

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” – Leo Buscaglia

Show Your Smile

It’s amazing how something so little as a smile can help brighten the day of those around you. Your smile demonstrates that you are happy and it spreads easily to the many people you meet. So, offer your smile all day long and see just how powerful it can be in the lives of others.


Everyone has a skill that can be taught to others, so take a little time to share what you have so that they can benefit. There is a myriad of organizations that are looking for someone like you to share your skills with others such as teaching how to drive, tutoring a student with their homework, showing how to create a birdhouse, and so many more skills that need to be passed on. Whether you have a unique talent or not, you do have something that someone can benefit from, so take the time to teach and share what you have learned over the years.

Sponsoring a Child

With so many organizations who have children around the world that need assistance, you can sponsor a child for only a small donation every month. It’s now very easy to sponsor a child in another country which can make all the difference in their life. With many organizations, all you need to do is fill out a short online form and the money is automatically deducted from your account. You can pay annually or per month to help a child in another country get the education and support they need to succeed.

“As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way.” – Mary Anne Radmacher

Take Time to Help

If you see someone who needs assistance, stop and give them a hand. Perhaps they have a flat tire or maybe they need a ride to get more gas. Whatever the case, stopping and helping can get someone out of a jam quickly. If you have some doubts however, such as being alone on the road and seeing a group of people, it is often best to stay in your vehicle and offer to call for help so they can get the assistance they need without exposing you to any potential danger.

“There is no greater joy nor greater reward than to make a fundamental difference in someone’s life.” – Mary Rose McGeady

Create a Care Package

This is something that you can do with your family to help others who are in need. A care package is simple to make and quite affordable, yet they can make a powerful difference in the life of others. You can send your care package to your local charity or around the world to help those overseas. In fact, you can create as many care packages as you want to provide those who are in need in your community live better. Many people keep small care packages in their vehicles which they give to the homeless. This is a great way to make someone’s day with a care package.

Become a Workout Partner

Is a friend or family member looking to get into shape or lose some weight, volunteer to be their workout partner. It’s a great way to help them achieve their goals and provide you with some benefits as well. Even if you are already where you want to be, helping someone improve their lives by being their workout partner is a gift that they will appreciate for a lifetime.

Donate to Your Favorite Charity

You can donate cash or items that you no longer use. either way, you can help someone out through the donation that you make. Donating your items is a great way to clear out the garage and storage areas while providing those who are less fortunate with something that they need. By donating cash, you can address a specific situation that your money can go to help. Donating is a great way to make a big difference in someone’s life.

“Every action in our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity.” – Edward Everett Hale



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